Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Note From Maggie

Maggie here

Giggle...Momma went to the store and forgot to buy the water bottle...I win


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

You are too cute to spray anyway......I bet she has forgetted all about it now....just purr and do a little chirp.....

Patches Lady

jenianddean said...

Thanks for stopping my blog. You are so super cute. Our Maggie is very much a kitten too. No matter how much Maggie proofing my mom does, Maggie still gets in to naughtiness.

-Jasper McKitten-Cat



You are just so cute. Use that to your advantage.


The Crew said...

Yes! Score 1 for Maggie!

Shaggy and Scout said...

She's like ours. It's a good thing her head is attached or she'd forget that too.

nemokitty said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, Maggie, my momma did the same thing- keeps furgettin' the water bottle at the store. We kittens have to stick together!

Unknown said...

That's just her way of saying she couldn't spray you if she tried. You're going to be ok Maggie! -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie

Gemini said...

Remember, water squirts in a straight line, so if you move you won't get sprayed...