Saturday, June 17, 2006

A trip to the VET

This has been the worst day of my life! I got up early with my momma to play like we always do.My morning was going just fine when all of the sudden momma picked me up and stuffed me in a pink bag. I was ok at first, Momma was right there with me, but I started to get a little scared when I got in the car. Then momma took me to the big pet store that she works at. I had been there once before on the day that momma got me. I remembered the smell and I was so afraid that momma was going to leave me, that I cried and cried and cried. Mamma's boss told her I was to loud and to put me in a different room. Momma wasn't happy about that, but she did and closed the door. Thank goodness I didn't have to stay there long, and momma came and got me. We went into a different room. Momma opened the bag and let me out and held me tight. I thought that I was safe and I started to purr. Then a strange lady and man came in. The next thing I knew I was being poked and probed, and the lady jabbed me with something sharp. I was not happy and I let out a big Yowl! I tired to bite the ladies hand. She gave me to momma after that, and I felt better for a minute. Then the man picked me up and I felt something else stick me..Yowl again. As soon as that prick was done I got stuck again. Now I was really unhappy. I had been stuck three times. Momma was trying to pet me and calm me down, but she put me back in the bag. We went out of that big room into a little room and waited for what seemed like forever. Momma said we were waiting to make sure my test was negative. I didn't even know I took a test. I just know I got pricked, and I was not happy.
About ten minutes later the lady came in and told momma everything was fine. That I do not have something called feline leukemia or aids. Momma smiled and said that is good. She was happy because they said "Maggie is healthy". I was happy too, because Momma was holding me again. The next thing I knew though there was that man again . POKE. OUCH YOWL. I got stuck again. Then he opened my mouth and shoved some glucky stuff in it. Something about worms. Oh gosh I hope I didn't swallow a worm. I like liver, but worms is a bit much.
I was really mad now. Four times in one day is just going to far. Momma said it is ok baby we are all done. We left and the next thing I knew Momma was opening the pink bag and I was home. Wait, what is this. Momma is leaving me. No, don't go. I ran to the door. Momma picked me up and told me Maggie, momma has to go to work baby. I ran to the door again, NOoooooo momma I want you to stay home. Maggie I have to go baby, and off she went. I was sad, but I knew momma would come home for lunch. She always does. But I waited and waited and momma didn't come home until 7 pm.
I let her know as soon as she walked in the door. I was not happy.
Momma picked me up and loved me for the rest of the night. She said I am spoiled and gave me some stinky goodness and settled down to read all of my friends blogs.
Momma better not get out of my site again. Bad Momma

*note from mamma...Maggie got her shots today and also got tested for feline leukemia and aids. Both were negative. The vet gave her a shot for the leukemia to prevent it from ever occurring and she will never need this shot again. She also got de-wormed and we got heart worm meds for her. The vet said she is healthy and I am happy to report that Maggie now weighs 3lbs 8 oz (she is 11 weeks old). We will go back in about 3 weeks for her next set of shots. After that she will get one more and a rabies, which will be good for a year. *


Fat Eric said...

Poor Maggie, trips to the v-e-t and injections are no fun, but you know your mum is only doing it to keep you healthy, right? Even a big kitty like me has to get to the v-e-t once a year to get injections. Luckily for me British kitties don't have to have the rabies injection as we don't have any rabies in our country.

Timmy said...

Poor Maggie May. It am ok more shots for a while. Having that pokey thing am better than gettin' those scary dizzeeezes... going to the vet isn't always fun. Well, I don't think it's ever fun...but you sounded like you were a good girl! I try to put the bite on my doctor when he puts his fingers in my mouth! He's just askin' for it!!

I'll send you a sandpaper kiss and a purr to make you feel better!

Unknown said...

Maggie, you were such a brave girl throughout all that poking and pricking. We're really glad to hear how healthy you are -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie

The Crew said...

Oh my. First fleas and now this! You were very brave and we're proud of you.

Ivan from WMD said...

Poor Maggie. And I hate it when my mom can't get home for lunch, too. I have to use that time to give her instructions for the rest of the day!


YOu are such a brave little girl Maggie. Going to the VET is not fun for a poodin of any age, and it never gets any better. But your Momma is only taking good care of you!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Maggie, I am very very very very jellus of that byootiful pink bag yoo git to ride in. All I git is a blue plastic prizon box. Pink is my faverit color. I go to see the vet man all the time. He's trying to cure my sqwerts.