Saturday, May 06, 2006

I had an exciting day

Ohh I am happy. Mommy shared her lunch with me today. She brought home a sub sandwhich. I was already getting excited just at the thought of seeing mommy when all at once my nose caught a whiff of something good. It smelled so yummy that I jumped up in mommy's lap to see what it was. At first she pushed me away and told me to get down. I wouldn't listen though, I knew something yummy was on that plate. I wanted a bite. I kept jumping up and mommy kept making me get down. Finally mommy gave in and picked out some of the meat for me to taste.. Mommy said I am spoiled. I just know I was hungry. That meat was so yummy and my tummy has never felt so good. I took a nice long nap and I am so happy. Good thing since mommy said I am over excited now. Mommy and Daddy went shopping tonight and came home with some new toys for me. I really like what she got me. My new toy has cat nip in it and I jumped around and around trying to play. Now I am a bit dizzy though. I think I need to lay down awhile..


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh, you are just too cute, and you are a calico, that makes it all the better! I have instructed The Mom to add your link to our blog roll, it should be done sometime today. Thanks for adding us...purrs..

Zeus said...

It looks like you are having a lot of fun with your toys! I am impressed, though, that you have gotten your human pets trained so early so that they give you real food and buy you toys. You must be very gifted, little Maggie.

Petey said...

Go easy on the nip in the beginning. You don't want to get nip burnout at such an early age.